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wangqiang5个月前 (05-16)新闻动态202



The Deliverator belongs to an elite order, a hallowed subcategory. Hes got esp颗粒机rit up to here. Right now, he is preparing to carry out his third mission of the night. His uniform 颗粒机is black as activated charcoal, filtering the very light out of the air. A bullet will bounce off it颗粒机s arachnofiber weave like a wren hitting a patio door, but excess perspiration wafts through it like颗粒机 a breeze through a freshly napalmed forest. Where his body has bony extremities, the suit has sinte颗粒机red armorgel: feels like gritty jello, protects like a stack of telephone books.


When they gave him the job, they gave him 颗粒机a gun. The Deliverator never deals in cash, but someone might come after him anyway—might want his c颗粒机ar, or his cargo. The gun is tiny, aero-styled, lightweight, the kind of a gun a fashion designer wo颗粒机uld carry; it fires teensy darts that fly at five times the velocity of an SR-71 spy plane, and when颗粒机 you get done using it, you have to plug it into the cigarette lighter, because it runs on electrici颗粒机ty.

当他们给他工作时,他们给了他一把枪。送货员从不以现金交易,但无论如何有人可能会追上他——可能要他的车,或他的货物。这把枪小巧、航空风格、重量轻,是时装设计师会携带的那种枪;它发射的飞镖速度是 S颗粒机R-71 间谍飞机的五倍,当你用完它时,你必须把它插到点烟器上,因为它是靠电运行的。

The Deliverator never pulled that gun in anger, or in fear颗粒机. He pulled it once in Gila Highlands. Some punks in Gila Highlands, a fancy Burbclave, wanted thems颗粒机elves a delivery, and they didnt want to pay for it. Thought they would impress the Deliverator with颗粒机 a baseball bat. The Deliverator took out his gun, centered its laser doo-hickey on that poised Loui颗粒机sville Slugger, fired it. The recoil was immense, as though the weapon had blown up in his hand. The颗粒机 middle third of the baseball bat turned into a column of burning sawdust accelerating in all direct颗粒机ions like a bursting star. Punk ended up holding this bat handle with milky smoke pouring out the en颗粒机d. Stupid look on his face. Didnt get nothing but trouble from the Deliverator.

送货员从来没有在愤怒或恐惧中拔出那把枪。他颗粒机在吉拉高地拉过一次。吉拉高地的一些朋克,一个花哨的 Burbclave,想要送货,他们不想付钱。以为他们会用棒球棒给送货员留下深刻印象。送货员拿出他的枪,用激光打口哨对准那位沉着冷静的路易斯维尔重击手颗粒机,开火了。后坐力很大,就好像手中的武器炸了一样。棒球棒的中间三分之一变成了燃烧的锯末柱,像一颗爆裂的星星一样向四面八方加速。朋克最终握着这个蝙蝠手柄,末端冒出乳白色的烟雾。他脸上露出愚蠢的表情。除了来颗粒机自交付者的麻烦之外,什么也没得到。

Since then the Deliverator has kept the gun in the glove compartment and relied, in颗粒机stead, on a matched set of samurai swords, which have always been his weapon of choice anyhow. The p颗粒机unks in Gila Highlands werent afraid of the gun, so the Deliverator was forced to use it. But swords颗粒机 need no demonstrations.


The Deliverators car has enough potential energy packed into its batteries to fire a pound颗粒机 of bacon into the Asteroid Belt. Unlike a bimbo box or a Burb beater, the Deliverators car unloads 颗粒机that power through gaping, gleaming, polished sphincters. When the Deliverator puts the hammer down,颗粒机 shit happens. You want to talk contact patches? Your cars tires have tiny contact patches, talk to 颗粒机the asphalt in four places the size of your tongue. The Deliverators car has big sticky tires with c颗粒机ontact patches the size of a fat ladys thighs. The Deliverator is in touch with the road, starts lik颗粒机e a bad day, stops on a peseta.

送货员的汽车有足够的势能装在电池中,可以将一磅培根发射到小行星带中。与 bimbo box 或 Burb beater 不同,Delive颗粒机rator 的汽车通过张开的、闪闪发光的、抛光的括约肌来卸载动力。当送货员放下锤子时,事情就发生了。你想谈谈接触补丁吗?您的汽车轮胎有微小的接触斑,在四个舌头大小的地方与沥青交谈。 Deliverat颗粒机or 的车有很大的粘性轮胎,轮胎上有一个胖女人的大腿那么大的接触斑。送货员与道路保持联系,开始就像糟糕的一天,停在比塞塔上。

Why is the Deliverator so equipped? Be颗粒机cause people rely on him. He is a roll model. This is America. People do whatever the fuck they feel颗粒机 like doing, you got a problem with that? Because they have a right to. And because they have guns a颗粒机nd no one can fucking stop them. As a result, this country has one of the worst economies in the wor颗粒机ld. When it gets down to it-talking trade balances here—once weve brain-drained all our technology i颗粒机nto other countries, once things have evened out, theyre making cars in Bolivia and microwave ovens 颗粒机in Tadzhikistan and selling them here—once our edge in natural resources has been made irrelevant by颗粒机 giant Hong Kong ships and dirigibles that can ship North Dakota all the way to New Zealand for a ni颗粒机ckel—once the Invisible Hand has taken all those historical inequities and smeared them out into a b颗粒机road global layer of what a Pakistani brickmaker would consider to be prosperity-yknow what? Theres 颗粒机only four things we do better than anyone else.






microcode 颗粒机(software)


high-speed pizza delivery


The Deliverator used to make software. Still does, so颗粒机metimes. But if life were a mellow elementary school run by well-meaning education Ph.D.s, the Deliv颗粒机erators report card would say: “Hiro is so bright and creative but needs to work harder on his coope颗粒机ration skills.”

Deliverator 过去从事制作软件。有时仍然如此。但如果生活是一所由善意的教育博士开办的温和的小学,Deliverator 的成绩单会说:“Hiro 非常聪明和有创颗粒机造力,但需要更加努力地提高他的合作能力。”

So now he has this other job. No brightness or creativity involved-but no coope颗粒机ration either. Just a single principle: The Deliverator stands tall, your pie in thirty minutes or y颗粒机ou can have it free, shoot the driver, take his car, file a class-action suit. The Deliverator has b颗粒机een working this job for six months, a rich and lengthy tenure by his standards, and has never deliv颗粒机ered a pizza in more than twenty-one minutes.

所以现在他有了另外一份工作。没有亮度或创造力,但也没有合作。只有一个原则:Deliverator 屹立不倒,三颗粒机十分钟之内你的馅饼送到,或者你可以免费,射杀司机,占有他的车,提起集体诉讼。送货员已经从事这项工作六个月了,按照他的标准,他的任期是丰富而漫长的,而且送披萨的时间从未超过 21 分钟。

Oh, they颗粒机 used to argue over times, many corporate driver-years lost to it: homeowners, red-faced and sweaty 颗粒机with their own lies, stinking of Old Spice and job-related stress, standing in their glowing yellow 颗粒机doorways brandishing their Seikos and waving at the clock over the kitchen sink, I swear, cant you g颗粒机uys tell time?


Didnt happen anymore. Pizza delivery is a major industry. A managed industry. Peop颗粒机le went to CosaNostra Pizza University four years just to learn it. Came in its doors unable to writ颗粒机e an English sentence, from Abkhazia, Rwanda, Guanajuato, South Jersey, and came out knowing more ab颗粒机out pizza than a Bedouin knows about sand. And they had studied this problem. Graphed the frequency 颗粒机of doorway delivery-time disputes. Wired the early Deliverators to record, then analyze the debating颗粒机 tactics, the voice-stress histograms, the distinctive grammatical structures employed by white midd颗粒机le-class Type A Burbclave occupants who against all logic had decided that this was the place to tak颗粒机e their personal Custerian stand against all that was stale and deadening in their lives: they were 颗粒机going to lie, or delude themselves, about the time of their phone call and get themselves a free piz颗粒机za; no, they deserved a free pizza along with their life, liberty, and pursuit of whatever, it was f颗粒机ucking inalienable. Sent psychologists out to these peoples houses, gave them a free TV set to submi颗粒机t to an anonymous interview, hooked them to polygraphs, studied their brain waves as they showed the颗粒机m choppy, inexplicable movies of porn queens and late-night car crashes and Sammy Davis, Jr., put th颗粒机em in sweet-smelling, mauve-walled rooms and asked them questions about Ethics so perplexing that ev颗粒机en a Jesuit couldnt respond without committing a venial sin.

没有再发生。披萨外卖是一个主要行业。一个受管理的行业。来自阿布哈兹、卢旺达、瓜纳颗粒机华托、南杰尔,无法写出英文句子,人们去 CosaNostra Pizza 大学学习四年,对披萨的了解更甚于Bedouin对沙子的了解。他们已经研究过这个问题。绘制门口交货时间纠纷的频率。连线早期的交付颗粒机者来记录,然后分析辩论策略、语音压力直方图、白人中产阶级 A 型 Burbclave 居住者所采用的独特语法结构,他们违反所有逻辑决定这是他们个人 Custerian 的地方反对他们生活中所有陈旧乏味颗粒机的事物:他们会在打电话的时候撒谎或自欺欺人,然后给自己免费吃披萨;不,他们应该得到一份免费的披萨以及他们的生命、自由和对任何事物的追求,这是他妈的不可分割的。派心理学家到这些人的家里,给他们一台免费电颗粒机视让他们接受匿名采访,让他们使用测谎仪,研究他们的脑电波,因为他们向他们展示了色情女王、深夜车祸和萨米戴维斯的断断续续、莫名其妙的电影, 把他们放在气味芬芳的紫红色墙壁的房间里,问他们关于道德的问题,颗粒机如此令人困惑,以至于即使是耶稣会士也无法不犯下小罪。

The analysts at CosaNostra Pizza University concluded that it was just hum颗粒机an nature and you couldnt fix it, and so they went for a quick cheap technical fix: smart boxes. The颗粒机 pizza box is a plastic carapace now, corrugated for stiffness, a little LED readout glowing on the 颗粒机side, telling the Deliverator how many trade imbalance-producing minutes have ticked away since the 颗粒机fateful phone call. There are chips and stuff in there. The pizzas rest, a short stack of them, in s颗粒机lots behind the Deliverators head. Each pizza glides into a slot like a circuit board into a compute颗粒机r, clicks into place as the smart box interfaces with the onboard system of the Deliverators car. Th颗粒机e address of the caller has already been inferred from his phone number and poured into the smart bo颗粒机xs built-in RAM. From there it is communicated to the car, which computes and projects the optimal r颗粒机oute on a heads-up display, a glowing colored map traced out against the windshield so that the Deli颗粒机verator does not even have to glance down.

CosaNostra 比萨大学的分析师得出结论,这只是人性,你无法修复它,因此他们寻求快速廉价的技术修复:智能盒子。颗粒机披萨盒现在是一个塑料外壳,波纹状以增加硬度,侧面有一个发光的小 LED 读数,告诉快递员自从那通致命的电话以来已经过去了多少造成贸易失衡的分钟。里面有薯条什么的。比萨饼,一小叠,放在送货员脑袋后面的槽颗粒机里。每个比萨都像电路板一样滑入计算机的插槽中,当智能盒子与送货员汽车的车载系统连接时,会咔嗒一声固定到位。来电者的地址已经从他的电话号码中推断出来,并倒入智能盒子的内置RAM中。从那里它被传送到汽车,颗粒机汽车计算并在平视显示器上投影最佳路线,在挡风玻璃上描绘出一张发光的彩色地图,这样交付者甚至不必低头看一眼。

If the thirty-minute deadline expires, news of 颗粒机the disaster is flashed to CosaNostra Pizza Headquarters and relayed from there to Uncle Enzo himsel颗粒机f_the Sicilian Colonel Sanders, the Andy Griffith of Bensonhurst, the straight razor-swinging figmen颗粒机t of many a Deliverators nightmares, the Capo and prime figurehead of CosaNostra Pizza, Incorporated颗粒机-who will be on the phone to the customer within five minutes, apologizing profusely. The next day, 颗粒机Uncle Enzo will land on the customers yard in a jet helicopter and apologize some more and give him 颗粒机a free trip to Italy— all he has to do is sign a bunch of releases that make him a public figure and颗粒机 spokesperson for CosaNostra Pizza and basically end his private life as he knows it. He will come a颗粒机way from the whole thing feeling that, somehow, he owes the Mafia a favor.

如果 30 分钟的最后期限到期,灾难的消息会被闪现到颗粒机 CosaNostra Pizza 总部,并从那里转达给 Enzo 叔叔本人——西西里上校 Sanders,Bensonhurst 的 Andy Griffith,许多快递员的噩梦中挥舞着剃刀的直接虚颗粒机构,Capo以及 CosaNostra Pizza, Incorporated 的主要傀儡——他将在五分钟内给客户打电话,并深表歉意。第二天,恩佐叔叔将乘坐喷气式直升机降落在客户的院子里,再道歉一些,颗粒机并让他免费去意大利旅行——他所要做的就是签署一堆让他成为 CosaNostra 的公众人物和发言人的新闻稿比萨,并基本上结束了他所知道的私人生活。他会从整个事情中走出来,觉得不知何故,他欠黑手党一个人颗粒机情。

The Deliverator does not know for sure what happens to the driver in such cases, but he has heard 颗粒机some rumors. Most pizza deliveries happen in the evening hours, which Uncle Enzo considers to be his颗粒机 private time. And how would you feel if you had to interrupt dinner with your family in order to ca颗粒机ll some obstreperous dork in a Burbclave and grovel for a late fucking pizza? Uncle Enzo has not put颗粒机 in fifty years serving his family and his country so that, at the age when most are playing golf an颗粒机d bobbling their granddaughters, he can get out of the bathtub dripping wet and lie down and kiss th颗粒机e feet of some sixteen-year-old skate punk whose pepperoni was thirty-one minutes in coming. Oh, God颗粒机. It makes the Deliverator breathe a little shallower just to think of the idea.

送货员不确定在这种情况下司机会发生什么,颗粒机但他听到了一些谣言。大多数比萨饼交付发生在晚上,恩佐叔叔认为这是他的私人时间。如果你不得不中断与家人共进晚餐,以便在 Burbclave 中召唤一些顽皮的笨蛋,并且为了一个他妈的迟到的披萨而卑躬屈膝,颗粒机你会有什么感觉?恩佐叔叔已经五十年没有为他的家人和他的国家服务,以至于在大多数人都在打高尔夫球和摇晃孙女的年龄,他可以从浴缸里淋湿滴下来,躺下来亲吻一些十六岁的人的脚——一岁的滑板朋克,他的意大利辣香颗粒机肠要等 31 分钟了。天啊。光是想到这个主意,它就让交付者的呼吸变得浅了一点。

But he wouldnt drive for CosaNostra Pizza any other way. You 颗粒机know why? Because theres something about having your life on the line. Its like being a kamikaze pil颗粒机ot. Your mind is clear. Other people—store clerks, burger flippers, software engineers, the whole vo颗粒机cabulary of meaningless jobs that make up Life in America-other people just rely on plain old compet颗粒机ition. Better flip your burgers or debug your subroutines faster and better than your high school cl颗粒机assmate two blocks down the strip is flipping or debugging, because were in competition with those g颗粒机uys, and people notice these things.

但他不会以任何其他方式开车去 CosaNostra Pizza。你知道为什么?因为有一些事情让你的生活处于危险之中。这就像是一个颗粒机神风飞行员。你的头脑很清楚。其他人——店员、汉堡店员、软件工程师、构成美国生活的无意义工作的全部词汇——其他人只是依靠普通的竞争。更好地翻转你的汉堡或调试你的子程序比你的高中同学更快更好地调试,因为我颗粒机们在与那些家伙竞争,人们注意到这些事情。

What a fucking rat race that is. CosaNostra Pizza doesnt have any competition. C颗粒机ompetition goes against the Mafia ethic. You dont work harder because youre competing against some i颗粒机dentical operation down the street. You work harder because everything is on the line. Your name, yo颗粒机ur honor, your family, your life. Those burger flippers might have a better life expectancy—but what颗粒机 kind of life is it anyway, you have to ask yourself. Thats why nobody, not even the Nipponese, can 颗粒机move pizzas faster than CosaNostra. The Deliverator is proud to wear the uniform, proud to drive the颗粒机 car, proud to march up the front walks of innumerable Burbclave homes, a grim vision in ninja black颗粒机, a pizza on his shoulder, red LED digits blazing proud numbers into the night: 12:32 or 15:15 or th颗粒机e occasional 20:43.

那是什么他妈的老鼠赛跑。 CosaNostra Pizza 没有任何竞争对手。竞争违背了黑手党的道德。您不会更努力地工作,因为您正在与街上的某些相同操作竞争。你会颗粒机更加努力,因为一切都在等着你。你的名字,你的荣誉,你的家庭,你的生活。那些汉堡鳍状肢可能有更好的预期寿命——但无论如何,这是什么样的生活,你必须问自己。这就是为什么没有人,即使是日本人,能比 Cosa颗粒机Nostra 更快地移动比萨饼。送货员自豪地穿着制服,自豪地驾驶汽车,自豪地在无数 Burbclave 房屋的前面散步,忍者黑色的严峻愿景,肩膀上的披萨,红色LED 数字将引以为豪的数字闪耀到深夜:1颗粒机2:32 或 15:15 或偶尔的 20:43。

The Deliverator is assigned to CosaNostra Pizza #3569 in the Valley. Souther颗粒机n California doesnt know whether to bustle or just strangle itself on the spot. Not enough roads for颗粒机 the number of people. Fairlanes, Inc. is laying new ones all the time. Have to bulldoze lots of nei颗粒机ghborhoods to do it, but those seventies and eighties developments exist to be bulldozed, right? No 颗粒机sidewalks, no schools, no nothing. Dont have their own police force—no immigration control—undesirab颗粒机les can walk right in without being frisked or even harassed. Now a Burbclave, thats the place to li颗粒机ve. A city-state with its own constitution, a border, laws, cops, everything.

送货员被分配到山谷中的 CosaNostra 颗粒机Pizza #3569。南加州不知道是该热闹还是当场勒死自己。没有足够的道路供人使用。 Fairlanes, Inc. 一直在铺设新产品。必须要推平许多社区才能做到这一点,但那些七八十年代的发展是要推颗粒机平的,对吗?没有人行道,没有学校,什么都没有。没有自己的警察部队——没有移民控制——不受欢迎的人可以走进来而不会被搜身甚至骚扰。现在是 Burbclave,这就是住的地方。一个有自己的宪法、边界、法律颗粒机、警察、一切的城邦。

The Deliverator was a corporal in the Farms of Merryvale State Security Force for a while 颗粒机once. Got himself fired for pulling a sword on an acknowledged perp. Slid it right through the fabri颗粒机c of the perps shirt, gliding the flat of the blade along the base of his neck, and pinned him to a 颗粒机warped and bubbled expanse of vinyl siding on the wall of the house that the perp was trying to brea颗粒机k into. Thought it was a pretty righteous bust. But they fired him anyway because the perp turned ou颗粒机t to be the son of the vice-chancellor of the Farms of Merryvale. Oh, the weasels had an excuse: sai颗粒机d that a thirty-six-inch samurai sword was not on their Weapons Protocol. Said that he had violated 颗粒机the SPAC, the Suspected Perpetrator Apprehension Code. Said that the perp had suffered psychological颗粒机 trauma. He was afraid of butter knives now; he had to spread his jelly with the back of a teaspoon.颗粒机 They said that he had exposed them to liability.

送货员曾经是梅里维尔农场国家安全部队的一名下士。因向公认的罪犯拔剑而被解雇。将它直接穿过罪犯衬衫的织物颗粒机,沿着他的脖子底部滑动刀片的平面,然后将他钉在罪犯试图闯入的房子墙壁上扭曲和起泡的乙烯基壁板上.认为这是一个相当正义的半身像。但他们还是解雇了他,因为这个罪犯原来是梅里维尔农场副校长的儿子。哦,黄鼠狼颗粒机有个借口:说他们的武器协议上没有三十六英寸的武士刀。说他违反了 SPAC,嫌疑犯逮捕法。说罪犯遭受了心理创伤。他现在害怕黄油刀;他不得不用茶匙的背面涂抹果冻。他们说他让他们承担了责任。

The Deli颗粒机verator had to borrow some money to pay for it. Had to borrow it from the Mafia, in fact. So hes in 颗粒机their database now-retinal patterns, DNA, voice graph, fingerprints, footprints, palm prints, wrist 颗粒机prints, every fucking part of the body that had wrinkles on it-almost-those bastards rolled in ink a颗粒机nd made a print and digitized it into their computer. But its their money—sure theyre careful about 颗粒机loaning it out. And when he applied for the Deliverator job they were happy to take him, because the颗粒机y knew him. When he got the loan, he had to deal personally with the assistant vice-capo of the Vall颗粒机ey, who later recommended him for the


Deliverator job. So it was like being in a family. A rea颗粒机lly scary, twisted, abusive family.


CosaNostra Pizza #3569 is on V颗粒机ista Road just down from Kings Park Mall. Vista Road used to belong to the State of California and n颗粒机ow is called Fairlanes, Inc. Rte. CSV-5. Its main competition used to be a U.S. highway and is now c颗粒机alled Cruiseways, Inc. Rte. Cal-12. Farther up the Valley, the two competing highways actually cross颗粒机. Once there had been bitter disputes, the intersection closed by sporadic sniper fire. Finally, a b颗粒机ig developer bought the entire intersection and turned it into a drive- through mall. Now the roads 颗粒机just feed into a parking system—not a lot, not a ramp, but a system—and lose their identity. Getting颗粒机 through the intersection involves tracing paths through the parking system, many braided filaments 颗粒机of direction like the Ho Chi Minh trail. CSV-5 has better throughput, but Cal-12 has better pavement颗粒机. That is typical—Fairlanes roads emphasize getting you there, for Type A drivers, and Cruiseways em颗粒机phasize the enjoyment of the ride, for Type B drivers.

CosaNostra Pizza #3569 位于 Vista Road,就在 Kings 颗粒机Park Mall 的下方。 Vista Road 曾经属于加利福尼亚州,现在称为 Fairlanes, Inc. Rte。 CSV-5。它的主要竞争对手曾经是美国高速公路,现在称为 Cruisewa颗粒机ys, Inc. Rte。 Cal-12。在山谷更远的地方,两条相互竞争的高速公路实际上是交叉的。一旦发生激烈争执,十字路口就被零星的狙击火力关闭。最后,一个大开发商买下了整个十字路口并把它变成了一个颗粒机免下车购物中心。现在道路只是进入一个停车系统——不是很多,不是坡道,而是一个系统——并失去了它们的特性。穿过十字路口需要追踪穿过停车系统的路径,许多编织的细丝就像胡志明小道一样。 CSV-5 具有更好颗粒机的吞吐量,但 Cal-12 具有更好的路面。这很典型——对于 A 类司机来说,Fairlanes 道路强调让您到达目的地,而 Cruiseways 则对 B 类司机强调乘坐的乐趣。

The Delive颗粒机rator is a Type A driver with rabies. He is zeroing in on his home base, CosaNostra Pizza #3569, cra颗粒机nking up the left lane of CSV-5 at a hundred and twenty kilometers. His car is an invisible black lo颗粒机zenge, just a dark place that reflects the tunnel of franchise signs—the loglo. A row of orange ligh颗粒机ts burbles and churns across the front, where the grille would be if this were an air-breathing car.颗粒机 The orange light looks like a gasoline fire. It comes in through peoples rear windows, bounces off 颗粒机their rearview mirrors, projects a fiery mask across their eyes, reaches into their subconscious, an颗粒机d unearths terrible fears of being pinned, fully conscious, under a detonating gas tank, makes them 颗粒机want to pull over and let the Deliverator overtake them in his black chariot of pepperoni fire.

Deliv颗粒机erator 是一名患有狂犬病的 A 型司机。他正瞄准他的大本营,CosaNostra Pizza #3569,在 CSV-5 的左侧车道上行驶 120 公里。他的车是一个看不见的黑色菱形,只是一个黑颗粒机暗的地方,反映了特许经营标志的隧道——loglo。一排橙色的灯在前面闪烁和搅动,如果这是一辆会呼吸的汽车,格栅就会在那里。橙色灯看起来像汽油火。它从人们的后窗进来,从他们的后视镜上反弹,在他们的眼睛上颗粒机投射出一个火热的面具,进入他们的潜意识,并挖掘出可怕的恐惧,害怕被钉住,完全有意识,在引爆的油箱下,让他们想靠边停车让送货员乘坐他的意大利辣香肠火黑色战车追上他们。

The loglo, overhea颗粒机d, marking out CSV-5 in twin contrails, is a body of electrical light made of innumerable cells, eac颗粒机h cell designed in Manhattan by imageers who make more for designing a single logo than a Deliverato颗粒机r will make in his entire lifetime. Despite their efforts to stand out, they all smear together, esp颗粒机ecially at a hundred and twenty kilometers per hour. Still, it is easy to see CosaNostra Pizza #3569颗粒机 because of the billboard, which is wide and tall even by current inflated standards. In fact, the s颗粒机quat franchise itself looks like nothing more than a low-slung base for the great aramid fiber pilla颗粒机rs that thrust the billboard up into the trademark firmament. Marca Registrada, baby.

头顶上的 loglo 以双轨迹颗粒机标记 CSV-5,是一个由无数个单元组成的电灯体,每个单元在曼哈顿由成像师设计,他们为设计单个徽标所做的贡献比交付者一生所制造的还要多。尽管他们努力脱颖而出,但他们都涂抹在一起,尤其是在时速一百二十公颗粒机里的情况下。尽管如此,还是很容易看到 CosaNostra Pizza #3569,因为它的广告牌很宽很高,即使按照目前的膨胀标准也是如此。事实上,深蹲专营权本身看起来只不过是芳纶纤维支柱的低矮底座,颗粒机这些支柱将广告牌推入商标穹顶。 Marca Registrada,宝贝。

The billboard is a classic, a chestnut, not a figment of some fl颗粒机eeting Mafia promotional campaign. It is a statement, a monument built to endure. Simple and dignifi颗粒机ed. It shows Uncle Enzo in one of his spiffy Italian suits. The pinstripes glint and flex like sinew颗粒机s. The pocket square is luminous. His hair is perfect, slicked back with something that never comes 颗粒机off, each strand cut off straight and square at the end by Uncle Enzos cousin, Art the Barber, who r颗粒机uns the second-largest chain of low- end haircutting establishments in the world. Uncle Enzo is stan颗粒机ding there, not exactly smiling, an avuncular glint in his eye for sure, not posing like a model but颗粒机 standing there like your uncle would, and it says


The Mafia


youve got a颗粒机 friend in The Family!


paid for by the Our Thing Foundation


The billboard serves 颗粒机as the Deliverators polestar. He knows that when he gets to the place on CSV-5 where the bottom corn颗粒机er of the billboard is obscured by the pseudo-Gothic stained-glass arches of the local Reverend Wayn颗粒机es Pearly Gates franchise, its time for him to get over into the right lanes where the retards and t颗粒机he bimbo boxes poke along, random, indecisive, looking at each passing franchises driveway like they颗粒机 dont know if its a promise or a threat.

广告牌是Deliverator 的北极星。他知道,当他到达 CSV-5 广告牌的底角被当地牧师韦恩的珍珠门特许经营权的伪颗粒机哥特式彩色玻璃拱门遮住的地方时,是时候让他进入右边了智障和垃圾箱在车道上乱窜,随机,优柔寡断,看着每一个经过特许经营的车道,就像他们不知道这是承诺还是威胁。

He cuts off a bimbo bo颗粒机x-a family minivan-veers past the Buy n Fly that is next door, and pulls into CosaNostra Pizza #3569颗粒机. Those big fat contact patches complain, squeal a little bit, but they hold on to the patented Fair颗粒机lanes, Inc. high-traction pavement and guide him into the chute. No other Deliverators are waiting i颗粒机n the chute. That is good, that means high turnover for him, fast action, keep moving that za. As he颗粒机 scrunches to a stop, the electromechanical hatch on the flank of his car is already opening to reve颗粒机al his empty pizza slots, the door clicking and folding back in on itself like the wing of a beetle.颗粒机 The slots are waiting. Waiting for hot pizza.

他从隔壁的 Buy n Fly 旁边关掉了一辆小型货车——一辆家用小型货车,然后驶进了 CosaNostra颗粒机 Pizza #3569。那些大块肥厚的接触片会抱怨,发出一点尖叫,但它们抓住了获得专利的 Fairlanes, Inc. 高牵引力路面,引导他进入滑道。没有其他送货员在滑道中等待。那很好,这对他来说颗粒机意味着高失误率,快速行动,继续移动那个za。当他停下脚步时,他汽车侧面的机电舱门已经打开,露出空的披萨槽,门发出咔嗒声,然后像甲虫的翅膀一样折叠起来。插槽正在等待。等待热比萨。

And waiting.颗粒机 The Deliverator honks his horn. This is not a nominal outcome.


Window slides ope颗粒机n. That should never happen. You can look at the three-ring binder from CosaNostra Pizza University,颗粒机 cross-reference the citation for window, chute, dispatchers, and it will give you all the procedure颗粒机s for that window-and it should never be opened. Unless something has gone wrong.

窗户滑开。那不应该发生。您可以查看 C颗粒机osaNostra Pizza 大学的三环活页夹,交叉引用窗口、滑槽、调度员的引用,它将为您提供该窗口的所有程序——而且它永远不应该被打开。除非出了什么问题。

The window slides ope颗粒机n and-you sitting down?-smoke comes out of it. The Deliverator hears a discordant beetling over the 颗粒机metal hurricane of his sound system and realizes that it is a smoke alarm, coming from inside the fr颗粒机anchise.


Mute button on the颗粒机 stereo. Oppressive silence—his eardrums uncringe -the window is buzzing with the cry of the smoke a颗粒机larm. The car idles, waiting. The hatch has been open too long, atmospheric pollutants are congealin颗粒机g on the electrical contacts in the back of the pizza slots, hell have to clean them ahead of schedu颗粒机le, everything is going exactly the way it shouldnt go in the three-ring binder that spells out all 颗粒机the rhythms of the pizza universe.


Inside, a football-shaped Abkhazian man is running to and 颗粒机fro, holding a three-ring binder open, using his spare tire as a ledge to keep it from collapsing sh颗粒机ut; he runs with the gait of a man carrying an egg on a spoon. He is shouting in the Abkhazian diale颗粒机ct; all the people who run CosaNostra pizza franchises in this part of the Valley are Abkhazian immi颗粒机grants.

在里面,一个足球形状的阿布哈兹男子来回奔跑,打开一个三环活页夹,用他的备用轮胎作为壁架以防止它塌陷;他以一个用勺子拿着鸡蛋的人的步态奔跑。他用阿布哈兹方言大喊大叫;在山谷的这一部分经营 颗粒机CosaNostra 比萨特许经营权的所有人员都是阿布哈兹移民。

It does not look like a serious fire. The Deliverator saw a real fir颗粒机e once, at the Farms of Merryvale, and you couldnt see anything for the smoke. Thats all it was: smo颗粒机ke, burbling out of nowhere, occasional flashes of orange light down at the bottom, like heat lightn颗粒机ing in tall clouds. This is not that kind of fire. It is the kind of fire that just barely puts out 颗粒机enough smoke to detonate the smoke alarms. And he is losing time for this shit.


The Deliverator holds the horn button down. The Abkhazian manager comes to the window He is颗粒机 supposed to use the intercom to talk to drivers, he could say anything he wanted and it would be pi颗粒机ped straight into the Deliverators car, but no, he has to talk face to face, like the Deliverator is颗粒机 some kind of fucking ox cart driver. He is red-faced, sweating, his eyes roll as he tries to think 颗粒机of the English words.

送货员按住喇叭按钮。阿布哈兹经理来到窗口 他应该使用对讲机与司机交谈,他可以说任何他想说的,然后直接传到送货员的车里,但不行,他必须像送货员一样面对面交谈是某颗粒机种他妈的牛车司机。他满脸通红,满头大汗,一边想着英文单词,一边翻白眼。

“A fire, a little one,” he says.


The Deliverator says颗粒机 nothing. Because he knows that all of this is going onto videotape. The tape is being pipelined, as颗粒机 it happens, to CosaNostra Pizza University, where it will be analyzed in a pizza management science颗粒机 laboratory. It will be shown to Pizza University students, perhaps to the very students who will re颗粒机place this man when he gets fired, as a textbook example of how to screw up your life.

快递员什么也没说。因为他知道颗粒机这一切都会录到录像带上。碰巧,磁带正在输送到 CosaNostra 比萨大学,在那里它将在比萨管理科学实验室进行分析。它将展示给比萨大学的学生,也许是那些在他被解雇时将接替这个人的学生,作为教科书式的颗粒机例子,教你如何搞砸你的生活。

“New employee—put his dinner in the microwave—had foil in it— boom!” the manager says.颗粒机


Abkhazia had been part of the Soviet fucking Union. A new immigrant 颗粒机from Abkhazia trying to operate a microwave was like a deep-sea tube worm doing brain surgery. Where颗粒机 did they get these guys? Werent there any Americans who could bake a fucking pizza?


“Just give me one pie,” the Deliverator颗粒机 says.


Talking about pies snaps the guy into the current century. He gets a grip. He sla颗粒机ms the window shut, strangling the relentless keening of the smoke alarm.


A Nipponese robot arm shoves the pizza out and into the top slot. The hatch folds s颗粒机hut to protect it.


As the Deliverator is pulling out of the chute, bui颗粒机lding up speed, checking the address that is flashed across his windshield, deciding whether to turn颗粒机 right or left, it happens. His stereo cuts out again-on command of the onboard system. The cockpit 颗粒机lights go red. Red. A repetitive buzzer begins to sound. The LED readout on his windshield, which ec颗粒机hoes the one on the pizza box, flashes up: 20:00.

当送货员从滑道中拉出,加快速度,检查挡风玻璃上闪过的地址,决定是向右转还是向左转时,它发生了。他的立体颗粒机声音响再次切断了车载系统的命令。驾驶舱灯变红。红色的。重复的蜂鸣器开始响起。挡风玻璃上的 LED 读数与披萨盒上的 LED 读数相呼应,闪烁:20:00。

They have just given th颗粒机e Deliverator a twenty-minute-old pizza. He checks the address; it is twelve miles away.



□ activate [ˈæktɪveɪt] v. 激活,使活化;使参战;(尤指透过加热)加速……的反应;vi. 激活;有活力;

原句:His un颗粒机iform is black as activated charcoal, filtering the very light out of the air.

□ anonymous [əˈnɒnɪməs颗粒机] adj. 匿名的,无名的;无个性特征的;

□ apprehension [ˌæprɪˈhenʃn] n. 理解;恐惧;逮捕;忧惧;

原句:Said that he had violated the S颗粒机PAC, the Suspected Perpetrator Apprehension Code.

□ compartment [kəmˈpɑːtmənt] n. 隔层,分隔间;(飞机、轮船或火车上的)颗粒机车厢,舱;区划;v. 分隔,划分;

原句:Since then the Deliverator has kept the gun in the glove compartment and relied,颗粒机 instead, on a matched set of samurai swords, which have always been his weapon of choice anyhow.

□ d颗粒机ispatch [dɪˈspætʃ] v. 派遣,发送;迅速处理,快速办妥;杀死,处决;n. 派遣,调遣,发送;(军事人员或政府官员间的)急件,快信;(由身在外地的记者发给报纸的)报道,电讯;

原句:Y颗粒机ou can look at the three-ring binder from CosaNostra Pizza University, cross-reference the citation 颗粒机for window, chute, dispatchers, and it will give you all the procedures for that window-and it shoul颗粒机d never be opened.

□ flank [flæŋk] n. 胁腹;(军队或球队的)翼侧,侧面;(大型物体的)一侧,一边;v. 侧面有;位于……的两侧;侧攻;adv. 在左右两边;

原句:A颗粒机s he scrunches to a stop, the electromechanical hatch on the flank of his car is already opening to 颗粒机reveal his empty pizza slots, the door clicking and folding back in on itself like the wing of a bee颗粒机tle.

□ gleam [ɡliːm] v. 发微光,闪烁;显得光洁明亮;

□ grim [ɡrɪm] adj. 严肃的;令人沮丧的;阴沉的;糟糕的;

□ intersection [ˌɪntəˈsekʃ颗粒机n] n. 交叉;十字路口;交集;交叉点;

原句:Once there had been bitter disputes, the intersection closed by sporadic sni颗粒机per fire.

□ luminous [ˈluːmɪnəs] adj. 夜光的,发亮的;鲜亮的,鲜艳的;照亮的,明亮的;睿智的,美丽的;光亮的;

原句:The pocket square is lum颗粒机inous.

□ obscure [əbˈskjʊə(r)] adj. 昏暗的,朦胧的;晦涩的,不清楚的;隐蔽的;不著名的,无名的;vt. 使…模糊不清,掩盖;隐藏;使难理解;n. 某种模糊的或不清楚的颗粒机东西;

□ stereo [ˈsteriəʊ] n. 立体声;立体声系统;(摄影)立体视镜(stereoscope 的别名);(印刷)铅版(stereotype 的简称);adj. 立体的;立体声的;立颗粒机体感觉的;

原句:Mute button on the stereo.

□ turnover [ˈtɜːnəʊvə(r)] n. (一定时期内的)营业额,成交量;(商店的)货物周转率,销售比率;人事变动率颗粒机,人员流动率;半圆馅饼(用水果、肉类或蔬菜做馅);(比赛中的)易手,失误;adj. 翻过来的,可翻转的;

原句:That is good, that means high turnover for hi颗粒机m, fast action, keep moving that za.

□ fabric [ˈfæbrɪk] n. 织物;布;组织;构造;建筑物;

原句:Slid it right through th颗粒机e fabric of the perps shirt, gliding the flat of the blade along the base of his neck, and pinned hi颗粒机m to a warped and bubbled expanse of vinyl siding on the wall of the house that the perp was trying 颗粒机to break into.

□ favor [ˈfeɪvə(r)] v. 较喜欢;偏袒;有利于;(非正式)长得像;悉心照料;n. 帮助;提拔;徽章;赞同;偏袒;同意性交;

原句:He will come颗粒机 away from the whole thing feeling that, somehow, he owes the Mafia a favor.

□ highland [ˈhaɪlənd] n.颗粒机 高地;丘陵地带;adj. 高原的;高地的;

原句:He pulled it once in Gila Highlands.

□ palm [pɑːm] n. 手掌;棕榈树;掌状物;vt. 将…藏于掌中;颗粒机

原句:A bullet will bounce off its arachnofiber weave like a wren hitting a patio door, but excess pers颗粒机piration wafts through it like a breeze through a freshly napalmed forest.

□ rumor [ˈruːmə] n. 谣言;传闻;颗粒机vt. 谣传;传说;

原句:The Deliverator does not know for sure what happens to the driver in such cases, but he颗粒机 has heard some rumors.

□ shove [ʃʌv] v. 猛推,乱挤;连推带挤地走; 随便放置,乱放(某物);移动身体,挪动身体(以腾出地方);去他的,让……见鬼;n. 猛推;

颗粒机句:A Nipponese robot arm shoves the pizza out and into the top slot.

□ thigh [θaɪ] n. 大腿,股;(禽类的)腿;

原句:T颗粒机he Deliverators car has big sticky tires with contact patches the size of a fat ladys thighs.

□ trade颗粒机mark [ˈtreɪdmɑːk] n. 商标;特征,标志;vt. 用商标标明;认出某人的典型特征是……;

原句:In fact, the squat franchise itself looks li颗粒机ke nothing more than a low-slung base for the great aramid fiber pillars that thrust the billboard u颗粒机p into the trademark firmament.

□ bustle [ˈbʌsl] v. 四下忙碌;使(人沿某方向)匆忙地走;繁忙;n. 喧闹;(旧时女子用的)裙撑;

原句:Southern颗粒机 California doesnt know whether to bustle or just strangle itself on the spot.

□ filament [ˈfɪləmənt]颗粒机 n. 灯丝;细丝;细线;单纤维;

原句:Getting through the intersection involves tracing paths through the parking syst颗粒机em, many braided filaments of direction like the Ho Chi Minh trail.

□ fleeting [ˈfliːtɪŋ] adj. 飞逝的;转瞬颗粒机间的;v. 迅速移动(fleet的ing形式);

原句:The billboard is a classic, a chestnut, not a figment of some fleeting Ma颗粒机fia promotional campaign.

□ flip [flɪp] v. (使)翻转;快速翻阅,翻动;vt. 打开(开关);掷,丢……;倒卖(房产);vi. 蹦跳;(情况、位置、状态等的)突颗粒机然变化;adj. 无礼的;轻率的;n. 弹;筋斗;

原句:Other people—store clerks, burger flippers, software engineers, the whol颗粒机e vocabulary of meaningless jobs that make up Life in America-other people just rely on plain old co颗粒机mpetition.

□ harass [ˈhærəs; həˈræs] v. 骚扰;不断攻击(敌人);

□ poise [pɔɪz] n. 镇静,沉着自信;仪态,优雅的姿势;平衡;(物理)泊;vt. 使颗粒机平衡;保持……姿势;(人,组织)准备(做某事);vi. 平衡,悬浮;准备好;

原句:The Deliverator took out his gun, centered its laser doo-hi颗粒机ckey on that poised Louisville Slugger, fired it.

□ pollutant [pəˈluːtənt] n. 污染物;

□ profuse [prəˈfjuː颗粒机s] adj. 丰富的;很多的;慷慨的;浪费的;

□ protocol [ˈprəʊtəkɒl] n. 礼仪,礼节;国际议定书,条约草案;(协议或条约的)附件;

原句:Oh, the weasels ha颗粒机d an excuse: said that a thirty-six-inch samurai sword was not on their Weapons Protocol.

□ relentles颗粒机s [rɪˈlentləs] adj. 坚韧的,不屈不挠的;残酷无情的,不留情面的;不停的,不间断的;

原句:He slams the window shut, strangling the relen颗粒机tless keening of the smoke alarm.

□ righteous [ˈraɪtʃəs] adj. 正义的;正直的;公正的;

原句:Thought it was a pretty 颗粒机righteous bust.

□ sporadic [spəˈrædɪk] adj. 零星的;分散的;不定时发生的;

原句:Once there had been bitter disputes, th颗粒机e intersection closed by sporadic sniper fire.

□ squat [skwɒt] v. 蹲坐;蹲举;擅自占用;霸占;n. 蹲坐;被非法占用的建筑物;蹲举训练;颗粒机(体操)下蹲动作;非法占用空房;几乎没有;任何东西;adj. 矮胖的;矮而宽的;

原句:In fact, the squat franchise itself looks like nothing mo颗粒机re than a low-slung base for the great aramid fiber pillars that thrust the billboard up into the tr颗粒机ademark firmament.

□ squeal [skwiːl] v. 告密;长声尖叫;n. 尖叫声;

原句:Those big fat contact patches complain, squ颗粒机eal a little bit, but they hold on to the patented Fairlanes, Inc.

□ traction [ˈtrækʃn] n. 牵引;[机][车辆]颗粒机 牵引力;

原句:high-traction pavement and guide him into the chute.

□ trauma [ˈtrɔːmə] n. [外科] 创伤(由心理创伤造成精神上颗粒机的异常);外伤;

原句:Said that the perp had suffered psychological trauma.

□ undesirable [ˌʌndɪˈzaɪərəbl] adj. 颗粒机不良的;不受欢迎的;不合需要的;n. 不良分子;不受欢迎的人;

原句:Dont have their own police force—no immigration control—undesirabl颗粒机es can walk right in without being frisked or even harassed.

□ accelerating [ækseləreitiŋ] adj. 促进的,[颗粒机物] 加速的;催化的;

原句:The middle third of the baseball bat turned into a column of burning sawdust accelerat颗粒机ing in all directions like a bursting star.

□ blazing [ˈbleɪzɪŋ] adj. 燃烧的;耀眼的,炽热的;(力量、速度等)强烈的;(争论)激烈的颗粒机;极其愤怒的,情感强烈的;

原句:The Deliverator is proud to wear the uniform, proud to drive the car, proud to march颗粒机 up the front walks of innumerable Burbclave homes, a grim vision in ninja black, a pizza on his sho颗粒机ulder, red

LED digits blazing proud numbers into the night: 12:32 or 15:15 or the occasional 20:43.

颗粒机buzzer [ˈbʌzə(r)] n. 蜂鸣器;嗡嗡作声的东西;信号手;

原句:A repetitive buzzer begins to sound.

□ choppy [ˈtʃɒpi] adj. 波颗粒机涛汹涌的;波浪起伏的;不断改变方向的;

□ competing [kəmˈpiːtɪŋ] v. (企业)竞争;(人)争夺;能匹敌;参赛(compete 的现在分词);adj. 相互矛盾的;相互竞争的;

颗粒机句:You dont work harder because youre competing against some identical operation down the street.

□ ex颗粒机panse [ɪkˈspæns] n. 宽阔;广阔的区域;苍天;膨胀扩张;

□ fateful [ˈfeɪtfl] adj. 重大的;决定性的;宿命的;

□ freshly [ˈfreʃli] adv. 颗粒机新近;精神饱满地;

原句:A bullet will bounce off its arachnofiber weave like a wren hitting a patio door, but ex颗粒机cess perspiration wafts through it like a breeze through a freshly napalmed forest.

□ imbalance [ɪmˈb颗粒机æləns] n. 不平衡;不安定;

原句:The pizza box is a plastic carapace now, corrugated for stiffness, a little LED颗粒机 readout glowing on the side, telling the Deliverator how many trade imbalance-producing minutes hav颗粒机e ticked away since the fateful phone call.

□ inflate [ɪnˈfleɪt] vt. 使充气;使通货膨胀;vi. 膨胀;充气;

原句:Still, it颗粒机 is easy to see CosaNostra Pizza #3569 because of the billboard, which is wide and tall even by curr颗粒机ent inflated standards.

□ lengthy [ˈleŋθi] adj. 漫长的,长时间的;(讲话、文章等)冗长的,过于详尽的;

原句:The Deliverator has bee颗粒机n working this job for six months, a rich and lengthy tenure by his standards, and has never deliver颗粒机ed a pizza in more than twenty-one minutes.

□ perplexing [pəˈpleksɪŋ] adj. 复杂的,令人费解的;令人困惑的;

□ perspira颗粒机tion [ˌpɜːspəˈreɪʃn] n. 汗水;流汗;努力;

原句:A bullet will bounce off its arachnofiber weave like a wren hitt颗粒机ing a patio door, but excess perspiration wafts through it like a breeze through a freshly napalmed 颗粒机forest.

□ polished [ˈpɒlɪʃt] adj. 擦亮的;优美的;圆滑的;v. 擦亮(polish的过去式和过去分词);

原句:Unlike a bimbo box or a Burb 颗粒机beater, the Deliverators car unloads that power through gaping, gleaming, polished sphincters.

□ stra颗粒机nd [strænd] n. (绳、线、毛发等的)股,缕;串;(故事、观点、计划等的)部分;(海洋、湖或河的)岸,滨;v. 使滞留,使困在(某处);使(船,船员,海洋生物)搁浅;使(跑垒员)残留垒上;颗粒机

□ unearth [ʌnˈɜːθ] vt. 发掘;揭露,发现;从洞中赶出;

□ creativity [ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvəti] n. 创造力,独创性;

原句:No brightness or c颗粒机reativity involved-but no cooperation either.

□ franchise [ˈfræntʃaɪz] n. 特许经营权;获特许经营权的企业(商店);公民权,选举权颗粒机;职业运动队;(由运动联合会授予的)会员运动队拥有权;特许经营品牌(或创意);v. 给予特许经销权;给予……公民权(或选举权);

原句:His car is an invisible black loz颗粒机enge, just a dark place that reflects the tunnel of franchise signs—the loglo.

□ designer [dɪˈzaɪnə(r颗粒机)] n. 设计师,设计者;谋划者;adj. 由著名设计师设计的,标有设计师姓名的;时尚的,时髦的;

□ inexplicable [ˌɪnɪkˈsplɪkəbl] adj. 费解的;无法说明的;不能解颗粒机释的;

□ subconscious [ˌsʌbˈkɒnʃəs] adj. 潜意识的,下意识的;n. 下意识(心理活动),潜意识(心理活动);

□ discordant [dɪsˈkɔːdənt] adj颗粒机. 不和谐的,刺耳的;不一致的;

原句:The Deliverator hears a discordant beetling over the metal hurricane of his sound颗粒机 system and realizes that it is a smoke alarm, coming from inside the franchise.

□ congeal [kənˈdʒiːl颗粒机] vi. 凝结;凝固;vt. 使……凝结;使……冻结;

□ intercom [ˈɪntəkɒm] n. 对讲机;内部通话装置;

□ cruiseway [kruːzweɪ] n. 供乘船游览用的河道;颗粒机

原句:highway and is now called Cruiseways, Inc.

□ windshield [ˈwɪndʃiːld] n. 挡风玻璃;

□ perpetrator [ˈpɜːpə颗粒机treɪtə(r)] n. 犯罪者;作恶者;行凶者;

原句:Said that he had violated the SPAC, the Suspected Perpetrator Apprehens颗粒机ion Code.

□ detonate [ˈdetəneɪt] vt. 使爆炸;vi. 引爆,爆炸;

原句:It is the kind of fire that just barely puts ou颗粒机t enough smoke to detonate the smoke alarms.

□ bastard [ˈbɑːstəd; ˈbæstəd] n. 私生子;卑鄙小人,讨厌鬼;家伙;极棘手的事,极颗粒机讨厌的事;adj. 私生的;(事物)杂种的,低劣的;(字迹、字体)不合标准的,混杂的;

□ subroutine [ˈsʌbruːtiːn] n. [计] 子程序;

□ retinal [ˈretɪnl]颗粒机 adj. 视网膜的;n. [生化]视黄醛(等于 retinene);

□ driveway [ˈdraɪvweɪ] n. (从建筑物,住房,车库等通往大路的)私人车道;

□ billboard [ˈbɪ颗粒机lbɔːd] n. 广告牌;布告板;vt. 宣传;介绍;

原句:Still, it is easy to see CosaNostra Pizza #3569 because of the billbo颗粒机ard, which is wide and tall even by current inflated standards.

□ asteroid [ˈæstərɔɪd] n. [天] 小行星;[无脊颗粒机椎] 海盘车;小游星;adj. 星状的;

原句:The Deliverators car has enough potential energy packed into its batteries to颗粒机 fire a pound of bacon into the Asteroid Belt.

□ promotional [prəˈməʊʃənl] adj. 促销的;增进的;奖励的;

原句:The bi颗粒机llboard is a classic, a chestnut, not a figment of some fleeting Mafia promotional campaign.

□ revere颗粒机nd [ˈrevərənd] adj. (尊称神职人员)尊敬的,可敬的;教士的;n. (非正式)教士,牧师;

□ strangle [ˈstræŋɡl] v. 扼死,勒死,绞死;抑制,扼杀;抑制,压制(颗粒机冲动,行动,声音);

原句:Southern California doesnt know whether to bustle or just strangle itself on the spot.

颗粒机 indecisive [ˌɪndɪˈsaɪsɪv] adj. 犹豫不决的;非决定性的;

□ sawdust [ˈsɔːdʌst] n. [木]锯屑;adj. 撒木屑的;无实质的;vt. 在……上撒木屑颗粒机;用木屑填塞;

原句:The middle third of the baseball bat turned into a column of burning sawdust accelerating 颗粒机in all directions like a bursting star.

□ brightness [ˈbraɪtnəs] n. [光][天] 亮度;聪明,活泼;鲜艳;愉快;

原句:No brigh颗粒机tness or creativity involved-but no cooperation either.

□ figment [ˈfɪɡmənt] n. 虚构的事;臆造的事物;

□ pinstrip颗粒机e [ˈpɪnstraɪp] n. 细条纹;细条纹布衣服;

原句:The pinstripes glint and flex like sinews.

□ minivan [ˈmɪnivæn] n. 小型颗粒机货车;

原句:He cuts off a bimbo box-a family minivan-veers past the Buy n Fly that is next door, and pulls颗粒机 into CosaNostra Pizza #3569.

□ oppressive [əˈpresɪv] adj. (社会、法律、习俗等)压迫的,暴虐的,不公的 ;(天气、空气等)闷热的,难以忍受的;颗粒机使人苦恼的,令人焦虑的;

原句:Oppressive silence—his eardrums uncringe -the window is buzzing with the cry of the s颗粒机moke alarm.

□ digitize [ˈdɪdʒɪtaɪz] vt. [计] 数字化;

□ citation [saɪˈteɪʃn] n. 引文,引语;传唤,传票;表彰,嘉奖状;引用,引证;

原句颗粒机:You can look at the three-ring binder from CosaNostra Pizza University, cross-reference the citatio颗粒机n for window, chute, dispatchers, and it will give you all the procedures for that window-and it sho颗粒机uld never be opened.

□ rearview [ˈrɪəvjuː] n. 后视镜,背视图;后视的;

□ bulldoze [ˈbʊldəʊz] vt. 强迫;恫吓;用推土机清除;

原句:H颗粒机ave to bulldoze lots of neighborhoods to do it, but those seventies and eighties developments exist 颗粒机to be bulldozed, right? No sidewalks, no schools, no nothing.

□ videotape [ˈvɪdiəʊteɪp] n. 录像带;vt. 将…颗粒机…录到录像带上;

原句:Because he knows that all of this is going onto videotape.

□ homeowner [ˈhəʊməʊnə(r)] n. 私颗粒机房屋主;自己拥有住房者;

□ meaningless [ˈmiːnɪŋləs] adj. 无意义的;无目的的;

原句:Other people—store clerks, burger flippers,颗粒机 software engineers, the whole vocabulary of meaningless jobs that make up Life in America-other peo颗粒机ple just rely on plain old competition.

□ obstreperous [əbˈstrepərəs] adj. 吵闹的,喧嚣的;难驾驭的;

□ bulldoze [ˈ颗粒机bʊldəʊz] vt. 强迫;恫吓;用推土机清除;

原句:Have to bulldoze lots of neighborhoods to do it, but those seventies an颗粒机d eighties developments exist to be bulldozed, right? No sidewalks, no schools, no nothing.

□ lozenge颗粒机 [ˈlɒzɪndʒ] n. [数] 菱形;锭剂;菱形窗玻璃;

原句:His car is an invisible black lozenge, just a dark place that refl颗粒机ects the tunnel of franchise signs—the loglo.

□ zealand [ˈziːlənd] n. 西兰岛(丹麦最大的岛);

□ pakistani [ˌpækɪˈ颗粒机stɑːni; ˌpɑːkɪˈstɑːni; ˌpækɪˈstæni; ˌpɑːkɪˈstæni] adj. 巴基斯坦的;n. 巴基斯坦人;

□ asphalt [ˈæsfælt] n. 沥青;柏油;v颗粒机t. 以沥青铺;

原句:You want to talk contact patches? Your cars tires have tiny contact patches, talk to the 颗粒机asphalt in four places the size of your tongue.

□ analyst [ˈænəlɪst] n. 分析者,化验员;心理分析师;

原句:The analysts颗粒机 at CosaNostra Pizza University concluded that it was just human nature and you couldnt fix it, and 颗粒机so they went for a quick cheap technical fix: smart boxes.

□ abusive [əˈbjuːsɪv] adj. 辱骂的,侮辱的;凌辱的,虐待的颗粒机;受虐待的;舞弊的,不法的;滥用的;

原句:A really scary, twisted, abusive family.

□ throughput [ˈθruːpʊt] n. (某一时期内的)生产量,颗粒机接待人数,吞吐量;

原句:CSV-5 has better throughput, but Cal-12 has better pavement.

□ corporal [ˈkɔːpərəl] n. 下士颗粒机;(舰艇的)纠察长助理;圣餐布;adj. 肉体的,身体的;

原句:The Deliverator was a corporal in the Farms of Merryvale State Secur颗粒机ity Force for a while once.

□ cockpit [ˈkɒkpɪt] n. (飞机的)驾驶舱,(赛车的)驾驶座;战场,格斗场所;

原句:The cockpit lights go颗粒机 red.

□ eardrum [ˈɪədrʌm] n. 鼓膜,耳膜;中耳;

原句:Oppressive silence—his eardrums uncringe -the window is buzz颗粒机ing with the cry of the smoke alarm.

□ firmament [ˈfɜːməmənt] n. 天空;苍天;

原句:In fact, the squat franchis颗粒机e itself looks like nothing more than a low-slung base for the great aramid fiber pillars that thrus颗粒机t the billboard up into the trademark firmament.

□ brandish [ˈbrændɪʃ] vt. 挥舞;炫耀;n. 挥舞;

□ stiffness [ˈ颗粒机stɪfnəs] n. 僵硬;坚硬;不自然;顽固;

□ polygraph [ˈpɒliɡrɑːf; ˈpɒliɡræf] n. 测谎器;复写器;多种波动描记器;

□ sphincter [ˈsfɪŋkt颗粒机ə(r)] n. [解剖] 括约肌;

原句:Unlike a bimbo box or a Burb beater, the Deliverators car unloads that power th颗粒机rough gaping, gleaming, polished sphincters.

□ readout [ˈriːdaʊt] n. 读出;读出器;

原句:The pizza box is a pla颗粒机stic carapace now, corrugated for stiffness, a little LED readout glowing on the side, telling the D颗粒机eliverator how many trade imbalance-producing minutes have ticked away since the fateful phone call.颗粒机

□ electromechanical [ɪˈlektrəʊmɪˈkænɪkəl] adj. [电][机] 电动机械的,[机] 机电的;

原句:As he scrunches to a stop, th颗粒机e electromechanical hatch on the flank of his car is already opening to reveal his empty pizza slots颗粒机, the door clicking and folding back in on itself like the wing of a beetle.

□ expectancy [ɪkˈspektən颗粒机si] n. 期待,期望;

原句:Those burger flippers might have a better life expectancy—but what kind of life is i颗粒机t anyway, you have to ask yourself.

□ subcategory [ˈsʌbˌkætəɡəri] n. 子范畴;亚类;

原句:The Deliverator belon颗粒机gs to an elite order, a hallowed subcategory.

□ inequity [ɪnˈekwəti] n. 不公平,不公正;

□ flipper [ˈflɪpə(r)]颗粒机 n. 鳍状肢;鳍;烤饼;胖听罐头;vi. 靠鳍足(或鸭甲板)行动;adj. 无礼的;

原句:Other people—store clerks, burger flippers, software e颗粒机ngineers, the whole vocabulary of meaningless jobs that make up Life in America-other people just re颗粒机ly on plain old competition.

□ contrail [ˈkɒntreɪl] n. 凝结尾;航迹云;凝迹;

□ chestnut [ˈtʃesnʌt] n. 栗子;栗色;[园艺]颗粒机栗树;栗色马;adj. 栗色的;

原句:The billboard is a classic, a chestnut, not a figment of some fleeting Mafia prom颗粒机otional campaign.










作者:溜溜686 绞肉机是一种厨房电器,用于将食材如肉类、鱼类、蔬菜等绞碎或切割成细小的颗粒或糊状。它的设计结构通常包括一个电机驱动系统和一个可更换的刀片和绞龙头组成。 首先...








齐鲁晚报· 齐鲁壹点记者 郭华春 通讯员 贾鹏 李金鑫 风吹麦浪,满目金黄。6月10日,在德州乐陵市郑店镇康家村的一处麦田里,10台新型联合收割机同台竞技,2023年德州市...



颗粒机报价: 1、根据不同的型号,价格有所不同。 2、颗粒机的种类很多:有双轴、单轴、四轴等;不同种类的设备价格也不同。比如:四轴的颗粒机要比单轴的贵一些,因为它的产量更大些...



原标题:实验室小型喷雾干燥机的原理和特点 喷雾干燥机就是利用热能使物料中的水分汽化,并将所形成的蒸汽排至外部环境中的过程。湿物料的干燥受到外部环境条件和物料本身结构的影响。...

